Founded by Annie Zielinski and Christian Bowden in 2020, Greenhaus Deco. is a boutique online destination for body care and lifestyle indulgences for the romantic at heart. Greenhaus Deco. is here to lovingly remind you to slow down and feel good taking care of yourself so you can show up and enjoy a deeply passionate lifestyle.

Stopping to smell the roses is so easy… and so hard.

Our brand grew out of a deep desire to live differently. The anxiety-infused hustle towards “better” and “more”  that modern life seems to always be demanding often comes at a steep price: living a beautiful & peaceful life now gets put on hold. 

We realized that working towards better futures — whatever your “Once ____ finally happens, I’ve made it” is — can feel a bit empty if you don’t learn to show up and enjoy living your life now. After all, when you finally arrive there in the future, where will you be if you don’t know how to slow down, be present, and really enjoy it? Will you still be chasing something you feel is missing?

We offer an expanding line of body care and lifestyle products that we see fitting into the slow, beautiful, connected type of life we crave. We are still working towards good things, but we are also here so we can enjoy the journey. It’s a delicate balance that we think starts with taking care and enjoying the little things.

We package everything in the most eco-responsible way we can, using recyclable & repurposable glass jars with easy to remove, adhesive-free labels. When possible, we ship lifestyle products directly from our manufacturers to reduce our carbon footprint. All our body care is made in-house in small batches. When we package orders, we use plastic-free shipping with boxes and padding made of 100% post-consumer waste. We are always considering how our little boutique can improve our efforts to keep our planet a beautiful place to live.

We want everyone to live deeply and passionately. So, go do something today that makes you feel like you. Go smell that rose!

With love,

Annie & Christian