How to Sugar Wax Your Brazilian & Bikini at Home - Everything You Need to Know
When I started looking into sugar waxing years ago, I felt like it was so difficult to find good resources - ESPECIALLY for the bikini area. To give you the resource I wish I had starting out, we have put together this page to make getting started as simple as possible. If it is your first time waxing, you can expect this to take about 45 mins - but, once you have the hang of it, a Brazilian can take as little as 10 minutes. So let’s dive in!
You will need:
A mirror
A bowl of cool water
A wash cloth
You may also use a butter knife and/or waxing strips. These are optional but we think waxing strips are really helpful.
Your hair should be between 1/4” and 1/2” long. If it’s shorter, wait for it to grow out before waxing. If it’s longer, you will want to trim it to this recommended length.
Start with clean, dry skin. You can gently wash your skin with a mild, unscented soap and water. Make sure to either use cool water or wait for your skin temperature to return to normal if taking a hot shower. If your skin is hot from your shower, the heat may make the wax stickier and it may not work optimally. Alternatively, you can apply rubbing alcohol or unscented witch hazel to the area with a cotton pad. Only do this to the outer skin area! These will irritate your cookie if they get in there.
Before sugaring, avoid using lotions, oils, or anything with fragrance in the waxing area as they could irritate the skin.
Right before you start waxing, be sure to apply dusting powder to the waxing area. This helps absorb excess moisture and creates a barrier between the skin and the wax so it only sticks to the hairs - which makes it a lot less painful. This is really important for the bikini area. Don’t be afraid to reapply dusting powder throughout your session.
We recommend two different positions for waxing the bikini area. You may want to toggle between the two depending on the area you’re waxing and what feels most comfortable to you.
Standing up, propping your leg up on a stool.
Sitting down on the floor on a towel in butterfly position.
Now, before we get started, let’s make sure we have the general sugaring technique down. We recommend reviewing our comprehensive sugaring guide and practicing on another area such as your arm, leg, or tummy before diving in to sugaring your bikini area - especially if this is your first time.
Knead your sugar wax with your fingers until it turns opaque, like golden taffy. This warms the sugar up to your body temperature and makes it an ideal consistency for spreading.
Apply slowly against the direction of hair growth, molding it 3X - this ensures that the wax adheres to all the hairs.
Hold your skin taut when you are about to pull - this keeps your skin from lifting up when you flick the wax, which preventing bruising.
Let it rip! Remove the wax in the direction of hair growth, flicking parallel along the surface of your skin (do not pull up). Do it in one decisive pull.
Immediately apply pressure with your free hand to alleviate the sting after removing.
This is a quick explanation of the general technique, so please review our our general sugaring guide or watch our demonstrations on social media and come back if you need more familiarity with general sugaring technique.
For the bikini area, we recommend starting with a glob of wax that’s about the size of a cherry tomato. Using a hard tool like our seashell butterknife is very helpful for getting the sugar wax out of the jar.
If you store your wax in the refrigerator, you will need to either microwave your jar briefly (in 7-9 second intervals with the lid off) or place your lidded jar in a bowl of warm water for 5-10 minutes until it is brought up to room temperature. Ideally, you will want to be sugaring in either an air conditioned environment or in similar conditions.
When your wax is at room temperature, it should be just loose enough so you can grab it from the jar. It should not be hot or runny. If you store it on the counter, you are ready for the next steps.
To finish prepping your wax, knead it with your hands until it turns opaque, like golden taffy. This final step warms the wax up to your body temperature and makes it an ideal consistency for spreading.
To do your own brazilian or bikini wax at home, simply follow along sugar waxing each section until you’ve reached your desired results.
Start with your inner thighs.
Following the directions above:
Apply against hair growth, molding it 3X.
Hold skin taut when you pull.
Let it rip! Remove swiftly in one pull.
Immediately apply pressure.
Next, your mons pubis area.
In this area, you can choose if you wish to leave a landing strip, get creative with a shape, or remove everything. Simply wax from the outside in until the look you want is achieved.
Then, work your way to your labia.
This can be the most difficult area.
You may need to reapply powder. You can use a finger to carefully apply it to the area.
Remember to hold the area taut with one hand as you remove wax with the other.
We recommend using strips here because it is easier to remove everything in one pull.
Finally, if desired, you can wax your rectal area.
Make sure you’ve applied powder
We recommend using strips for this area as well.
Now, you can check for any missed hairs and either tweeze them or go back in waxing with a small dollop of wax on your finger to grab any stragglers.
Once you’ve finished waxing, either rinse off with warm water or pat the area free of any sugar residue with a clean, warm, wet washcloth.
Finally, apply your aftercare. Aloe or a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic (wont clog pores) moisturizer work really well, we really like jojoba oil.
After your session, wear loose clothing for a while until the area has calmed down. For a day or two, avoid dyes, perfumes, and comedogenic products in the waxed areas. It is also recommended to avoid sex during this timeframe.
Congratulations, you are all done! You can expect to enjoy your results for about 3-4 weeks!