Switching to a Natural Deodorant

If you're considering making the switch from a conventional deodorant to a natural one, read this article for tips and insights on what to expect during the transition.  


Understand the Difference

Before diving into the switch, it's essential to understand the distinction between antiperspirants and natural deodorants. Unlike antiperspirants that aim to block sweat glands using ingredients like aluminum, natural deodorants work to neutralize odor-causing bacteria while allowing your body to perspire naturally. Because of this, people often experience a short transitional phase when adopting a natural deodorant because their sweat glands have to adjust to not being blocked by aluminum.


Expect a Transition Phase

During the transition from conventional to natural deodorants, your body may go through a brief transitional phase. This can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. You might experience increased perspiration or changes in odor as your body re-adjusts it’s sweat production. Don't worry - this is a temporary phase and it’s normal.


To Detox or Not to Detox?

Some individuals find that doing an “armpit detox” helps them shorten this adjustment period by giving their underarms a fresh start. The idea here is that taking a short break from using deodorant, lightly exfoliating the area, and applying a clay mask helps clense pores that may be clogged as a result of chronically blocked sweat glands.

There is debate over the effectiveness of this step, and it really comes down to what you personally think your body needs. It is important to note that this is not going to detoxify your internal body. It’s more like doing a deep clean of your pores - just like doing a face mask.

You may choose to detox or not detox. For those interested in trying an armpit detox, you can follow the directions below:


Armpit Detox Recipe


  • 1 tablespoon bentonite clay

  • Water or Apple Cider Vinegar (as needed to achieve desired consistency)

    • Apple Cider Vinegar can be used for its antibacterial properties and its slightly acidic pH, which can help with balancing the pH of your underarms. Those with sensitive skin may want to opt for water, as it may be less irritating.


  1. In a non-metallic* bowl, combine the bentonite clay with water. Start with a small amount of water and gradually add more, stirring (with a non-metallic* utensil) well until a smooth paste is formed.

  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you achieve a paste-like consistency.

  3. Apply the detox paste to your clean, dry underarms, ensuring complete coverage.

  4. Leave the detox paste on for about 10-15 minutes or until it starts to dry. Avoid letting it completely harden or crack.

  5. Rinse off the detox paste using warm water. Gently massage and wash away the clay, ensuring all residue is removed.

  6. Pat your underarms dry and apply a natural moisturizer or oil to keep the skin hydrated.

*Using non-metallic materials when working with bentonite clay is important because the metal can reduce the detoxifying effectiveness of the bentonite clay.

Remember to perform a patch test before using any new ingredients to ensure you don't have any allergic reactions.


Be Mindful of Application

Unlike conventional deodorants that often require excessive application, natural deodorants may not require as much. For instance, with our Deodorant Cream, you just need a pea-sized amount for each underarm. You will want to apply a thin layer to clean, dry underarms, ensuring complete coverage. 


Give It a Little Time

Adapting to a natural deodorant may take some time for your body to adjust. It's essential to be patient and give it a fair trial period. Your body's unique chemistry and individual needs will determine how long it takes to find the right natural deodorant that works best for you.



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